The aim of this demo project is to use URLSearchParams
to send information to another
page to create a unique URL that can be saved and referenced later (or sent to a friend, etc.).
The application allows users to select t-shirt quantity, size, and colour through a form.
Upon form submission, the selected values are collected and appended as URL parameters to navigate to the checkout page. This allows for easy sharing or bookmarking of specific orders.
Note: As this is a demo, the 'Buy' button on the Checkout page is disabled, i.e. it goes nowhere.
For further details please consult the project's Git Repository .
Note: This is a variation of an earlier project:
In the current project, only one image is loaded, and CSS colour filters are applied to change the t-shirt's colour, corresponding to the checked 'Colour' radio button on the homepage form.
In the earlier project, multiple t-shirt images were loaded, corresponding to the checked 'Colour' radio button on the homepage form.