This page outlines the pathways of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and of the
two most widely used vaccines against Covid-19 (the disease caused
by the virus). It also includes a simplified description of immune
responses, both to the vaccine itself and to post-vaccination
viral invasion.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
carries single-stranded positive sense RNA (+RNA) as its genomic
[1]. To gain access to a cell and deposit the viral RNA, a virion
attaches itself to the cell by binding the viral spike (S) protein
to a specific cell receptor (ACE2).
The viral RNA and the spike (S) protein which will be translated
from it are the most important ingredients of the vaccines.
SARS-CoV-2 Pathway
The S protein of SARS-CoV-2 binds to a specific (ACE2) host
cell receptor.
Fusion and entry take place via endocytosis.
Breakdown of the containing endosome and viral proteins, and
release of genomic RNA.
Replication of genomic RNA.
Replication and expression of subgenonomic mRNAs.
Translation of subgenonomic mRNAs into viral proteins by
Fragments of viral proteins display on host cell MHC1
Endosomal containment of genomic RNA and viral proteins,
followed by assembly into new virion.
Virion buds via exocytosis.
The objective of any Covid-19 vaccine is to deliver a modified
version of the SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA to ribosomes in the host
cell. This modified version only contains the genes for making the
S protein — the ribosomes do the job of translating them.
It must be stressed that the S protein is not infectious
and is merely used as a marker for the immune system to identify.
Currently, the two most widely accepted vaccines for international
[2] are those produced
by Oxford-Astrazeneca and Pfizer/BioNTech. It will be seen from
the diagrams that the methods of translation, assembly and budding
of the S proteins are the same for both vaccines. The major
difference between them is that the Pfizer/BioNTech carries RNA
and the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine carries DNA. The Astrazenaca
DNA must be injected into the nucleus and converted (transcribed)
to mRNA before proteins can be translated, whereas the RNA carried
by Pfizer/BioNTech can start translation as soon as it escapes
from the endosome.
Oxford-Astrazeneca Vaccine
This vaccines employs a harmless, engineered chimpanzee
adenovirus as its vector.
How is it harmless?
All infectious genes are stripped from the DNA during the
production process with the result that it cannot be used to
replicate neither adenoviruses (as there are no longer any genes
that can encode them in the DNA) nor SARS-CoV-2 proteins
(excepting the S protein, the only protein the genes in the DNA
can encode).
Why a chimpanzee adenovirus?
Adenoviruses, which cause cold-like symptoms, routinely infect
humans. Consequently, the immune system has many defences
against them. Using a human adenovirus as a vector for a vaccine
would therefore mean that there would be a strong chance of it
being destroyed before it was able to enter a cell, rendering
the vaccine useless. Using a chimpanzee adenovirus, unknown to
the immune system, provides a much greater chance of the vaccine
being able to enter a cell and do its work.
How is it engineered?
All adenoviruses carry DNA as the genomic material. The viral
RNA from SARS-CoV-2 is first extracted and then reverse
transcribed [3] back
into DNA. This DNA then replaces the adenovirus DNA, after, as
previously mentioned, all genes save those that encode the S
protein have been removed.
Viral DNA and the host cell nucleus
It is important to emphasise that although the DNA will
eventually be inserted into a host cell's nucleus
it will not integrate with the host cell's DNA.
The adenovirus fibre binds with the cell's adenovirus
receptor and fusion takes place via endocytosis.
The endosome carries the adenovirus into the cytosol. The
fibres detach and the endosome dissolves, releasing the
The capsid is transported to the nucleus.
The capsid injects its DNA through a nuclear pore into the
Viral DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA).
Translation of S (spike) protein by ribosomes.
Fragments of S protein display on the host cell MHC1
Endosomal containment of S protein.
The endosome is transported to the cell surface.
S protein exits the cell via exocytosis.
2) Pfizer/BioNTech LNP mRNA Vaccine
LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) do not bind to cell receptors but
rather mimic the appearance of membrane-friendly molecules which
allows them access to the cell via endocytosis.
The LNP vector carries positive sense mRNA as its genomic
material. This mRNA only codes for the spike (S) protein. The
viral mRNA does not enter the host cell nucleus.
Fusion takes place via endocytosis.
The endosome carries the LNP into the cytosol. Endosome
and lipid bilayer dissolve, releasing the positive sense
Translation of S (spike) protein by ribosomes.
Fragments of S protein display on the host cell MHC1
Endosomal containment of S protein.
The endosome is transported to the cell surface.
S protein exits the cell via exocytosis.
Immune responses
In this section I first cover the immune response to the vaccine
itself and then the immune response to a system that has received
the vaccine.
what follows is a simplified account of the workings of the
immune response, in particular omitting much of the work of the
innate immune system and highlighting the workings of the
adaptive immune system instead.
Immune response to a vaccine
The purpose of any vaccine is to stimulate an immune response
which will be remembered by the immune system and which will
fight off any later infection.
S proteins have exited the cell. A cytotoxic T-cell and a
B-cell, both part of the adaptive immune system, are
present, along with a macrophage, an antigen presenting
cell belonging to the innate immune system. Macrophages
patrol the extracellular space looking for potential
pathogens. A helper T-cell, responsible for coordinating
the activities of the adaptive immune system is nearby.
A macrophage digests the S protein and exposes a
fragment on its receptor.
A helper T-cell binds its receptor to the macrophage
receptor holding the S protein fragment.
The helper T-cell is activated on binding with the
Helper T-cell activation results in the secretion of a
flood of cytokines (chemical messengers) which target
the helper T-cell itself. The cytokines also target and
the cytotoxic T-cell to bind to the host cell MHC1
receptor, and
the B-cell receptor to attach to the S protein.
Note: memory cells (T and B) are cells of the adaptive
immune system which stay in the system, ready to intercept
a specific antigen.
Clonal proliferation of Helper T-cells and Helper memory
Clonal proliferation and activation of memory and
cytotoxic T-cells, which emit granzymes and perforins to
destroy the infected cell.
Clonal proliferation and activation of B-cells and
memory B-cells.
Maturation of B-cells into plasma B-cells (antibody
Post-vaccination Immune Response
In this scenario an already vaccinated person is attacked by
Mature B-cells (plasma cells) produce antibodies which
bind to the S protein of the invading virions rendering
them unable to bind to host cells.
Antibody binding also signals to macrophages to attack
the virions.
Antibodies block the virion's access to the S protein
receptor (ACE2) denying access to the cell's interior.
Note: the first seven steps are identical to those of the
SARS-CoV-2 Pathway, above.
If a viral particle manages to evade the antibodies
produced by the plasma cells and is able to enter the host
cell, the following scenario might take place:
The S protein of SARS-CoV-2 binds to a specific (ACE2)
host cell receptor.
Fusion and entry take place via endocytosis.
Breakdown of the containing endosome and viral proteins,
and release of genomic RNA.
Replication of genomic RNA.
Replication and expression of subgenonomic mRNAs.
Translation of subgenonomic mRNAs into viral proteins by
Fragments of viral proteins display on host cell MHC1
A cytotoxic T-cell binds to the fragment of the S
protein presented on the MHC1 receptor. This stimulates
the production of granzymes and perforins which destroy
the infected cell.
The Role of Adjuvants in Vaccines
Adjuvants (not shown in the diagrams)
[5] are substances in
the vaccines which stimulate cell-mediated immune responses.
Adjuvants require something of a balancing act: they need to
induce a strong immune response which will attract the attention
of cells from the innate immune system. However, the response must
not be so strong that the cell is destroyed (or self-destructs)
before the protein fragment on the MHC1 receptor is identified and
analysed by the adaptive immune system.